Financial Responsibility Demonstration

Financial Responsibility Demonstration

Class VI permit applicants must submit information to demonstrate financial responsibility for corrective action, injection well plugging, PISC and site closure, and emergency and remedial response [40 CFR 146.82(a)(14); 146.85(a)].  The purpose of the UIC...
Well Construction and Operation

Well Construction and Operation

Class VI permit applicants must submit proposed schematics and construction procedures for the injection well [40 CFR 146.82(a)(11),(12); 146.86].  The purpose of the UIC Program’s evaluation of well construction information is to ensure that the injection well...
Pre-Operational Testing Program

Pre-Operational Testing Program

Permit applicants must submit a proposed pre-operational formation and well testing program that describes how they will test the well and analyze the chemical and physical characteristics of the injection and confining zones [40 CFR 146.82(a)(8); 146.87].  The...
Testing and Monitoring

Testing and Monitoring

The Class VI Rule requires Class VI permit applicants to develop and implement a comprehensive testing and monitoring plan for their projects that includes injectate monitoring, corrosion monitoring of the well’s tubular, mechanical, and cement components, mechanical...
Injection Well Plugging

Injection Well Plugging

Class VI permit applicants must submit a plan to plug the injection well in a manner that protects USDWs [40 CFR 146.82(a)(16); 146.92].  The purpose of the UIC Program’s evaluation of the proposed Injection Well Plugging Plan is to ensure that the proposed...